There are some kitchen products out there that seem like a great idea until you try it out. Those products are not on this list. We compiled only the most useful, thoughtful, game-changing products that we think deserve more love!
Yeast Spoon – If you make yeasted products often, you probably don’t buy yeast in the small 1/4 ounce packets (and if you do, you should reconsider as you are severely overpaying for yeast!). If you’re someone who buys yeast in bulk, whether it’s the 4oz jar or maybe a 1 lb package, you know the pain of having to measure out 2 1/4 teaspoons each time you’re making something that calls for a packet of yeast. You either have to use the 1/4 teaspoon 9 times or take out 2 measuring spoons. What if I told you there is an easier way? Yes – it’s true. They make things called yeast spoons which measure 2 1/4 teaspoons! Normally we don’t recommend uni-tasker tools like this, but you can keep the spoon right in the yeast container as a permanent scoop. Pick one up at King Arthur Baking Company here or search around for others – there are a few on the market.
Graduated Measuring Cups – Similar to a yeast spoon, nothing is worse than having to dirty multiple measuring cups and spoons just to measure out all of your ingredients. We have saved so much time and dishes by using a graduated measuring cup and spoon set. Ours is from Calphalon and is unfortunately no longer in production. We haven’t found anyone else who carries this ingenious measuring implement set, so if you find one – let us know! They are amazing! In the one cup measuring cup, you can measure not only 1 cup, but 3/4 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1/4 cup – and it has the tablespoon conversions right on the outside so you can rest assured that 1/4 cup really is 4 tablespoons.

Spicy Shelf – If you read our Pantry/Fridge/Freezer Staples article, you already know how much use we get out of our Spicy Shelf. It creates the perfect little addition to a kitchen cabinet to turn it into a space that can accommodate double the spices that it could before. It’s adjustable to fit any size cabinet and super easy to assemble and clean. Get one for yourself here.

Stove Counter Gap Cover – We’re sure that description doesn’t tell you what we’re talking about, so just a look at the image. We got this brand, but there are many others out there. They keep debris from falling in between that little gap between the edge of your counter and your oven. They are so handy and I can’t believe how much we get on them (and therefore how much WOULD have fallen down that crack if we didn’t have them!). They are a breeze to clean, just wipe down with the rest of your counters. They also aren’t a visual eyesore – form and function!
Sliding Tray – This is another one that’s hard to explain, but this is what we are talking about. Take a look at the video, which will show you the functionality of this tray. We keep it under our Keurig for easy access to the water chamber when we need to fill it. We’ve also heard folks have used it for their Instapot, which lets out steam that otherwise would damage the underside their cabinets.
Guac-lock – Another uni-tasker! Yes, yes, we know. And if you have read our Ways to Make Produce Last Longer article, you probably saw this coming. But if you make guac as frequently as we do, you’ll grow to appreciate that it does its job so well, it’s a worth while uni-tasker. Nothing is worse than brown, ugly guacamole. You’ve got to store your guac in a container anyway, why not have a container that keeps it fresh and green? Purchase yours here.

Oil Sprayer – Just like with yeast, if you’re buying spray oil, you’re definitely overpaying for the actual oil you’re using as you’re also paying for the propellent and packaging. We got sick of how often we had to buy a new can or spray oil that we switched to a refillable sprayer bottle. We got this one, though there are many other brands out there. We can’t lie – it doesn’t work QUITE as good as a store-bought spray oil, but for the reduced cost (just the cost of the oil, which we buy in bulk) and the reduced impact on the environment, we think it’s a great replacement.
What do you think of these products? Do you agree with us? Are there other products you’ve seen that you think should have made the list? Be sure to share with us in the comments below! You can also check out a complete list of our kitchen tools here.